President's Message
Dear community,
As president of the Lubbock Professional Police Assn. and on behalf of the membership we would like to thank you for your ongoing support of us and making it a pleasure to serve this community. I believe that we are certainly blessed to live and work in a community that is unique and unlike any other part of the world in our support for one another as well as the values we hold as West Texans!
The LPPA is an organization chartered and existing by a virtue of the State of Texas and will remain free and autonomous from influence of any governing body. We wish to promote a better work environment for the members through improved compensation, benefits, education and professional standards. We protect our members rights as defined by the United States Constitution and Civil Service Laws. We wish to promote communication with executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government both federal and state as well as local level. We strive to promote fellowship among our members as well as outreach to the community and improve relations with all of those we serve. Promotion of professionalism and dignity for all members of the law enforcement communities as well as improved relations with the community.
The members of our organization embody the above standards and work tirelessly to serve the community to which they call home. It is an inherently stressful and dangerous job, but is a calling that cannot be ignored once heard.
As President I am privileged to represent the members of the Lubbock Professional Police Assn. and this great organization. We will continue to work tirelessly to maintain and improve the standards that make this the greatest place on Earth to call home, and one that all of the members of this community deserve!

Rayland Goswick