Detective Ralph Clayton White

October 11th, 1927 - September 1st, 1953
Detective White had been employed as an officer for the City of Lubbock for four years and had recently been assigned to the Detective Division at the time of his death. Detective White was killed on the morning of Sept. 1st. 1953 when he and his partner, George Hall, noticed a suspicious vehicle stopped in the driveway of a service station. When the officers stopped to investigate, the vehicle started to leave. The officers stopped the car and when they were walking up to the car, they noticed a subject attempting to hide behind a counter inside the service station. Detective White went to the rear of the station to prevent the burglar from escaping. Detective White's partner had stayed with the other suspect and said that he heard one or two shots fired and when he looked up, he saw Detective White running towards the front of the station after the burglar and then saw Detective White fall down. Detective White had been shot by the burglar he had been chasing. Detective White managed to return fire and hit the suspect once in the leg. Detective White had been shot once in the chest.
Detective White was transported to Lubbock Memorial Hospital and was pronounced dead on arrival. A suspect, Ivory Gibson was arrested about two hours later when he showed up at a local hospital seeking treatment of the gunshot wound inflicted by Detective White's return fire. Ivory Gibson was charged with the murder of Detective White.